Saturday, November 1, 2008

Media Bias

While i was searching for information for my presentation with my group members on media bias, I learned quite a few things. Most of the media has a liberal bias, leaving only a few newspapers, radio stations, and television to be conservative. I was shocked by this because I feel the media shouldn't have any bias at all and should split everything 50/50 (50 % liberal and 50% conservative). I'm not sure if this is how the media is all the time, especially during the elections, but I'd like to think the media would become half liberal and half conservative when the elections are over so we can see both sides and not 90% of one side.


PerplxinTexan♥ said...

Cool blog, keep writing we need more Muslim bloggers especially who support falesteen and HSM :)

Ghadir said...

thanks :D