Saturday, November 1, 2008


As the elections are coming closer and closer, I can't help but notice more and more groups forming with or against democrats or republicans. I don't know if it's just me, but I dislike hearing people put their political views on others. Chances are friendships can come to an end, people become upset because they don't have the same views, and when one of the candidate wins come November 4, the people on that candidates team may say, "I told you so" or "Obviously that person was going to win."

 I understand its election year and people want their points to be heard, but I just don't seem to care or want to know who you're voting for because it's your personal decision and you shouldn't try to have people vote for the same people you are  if they have different views. Let everyone support who they would like to support and if they don't have the same views as you, so be it. You can agree to disagree or accept the fact that not everyone believes in the same thing you do and can think for themselves.

Although I can't vote this election year, when the time comes, I'm going to vote for who I feel is the best candidate and keep it to myself, because that's what I feel is the best way to go.

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